
In collective reflecting on the process, taking the topic issues and terms as discussed in class bring the collection of idea in a means of the project platform. The tasks deemed by the this project, ultimately brought for engagements within the collective network culture. Through a process of gathering components from the public sphere and “remixing” expressions to share my experience and evoke awareness experience within the network community.  As a means of participating within civic engagement, the public sphere provided a suitable platform in reflecting the collective attitude to relay my individuals experience in hopes of engaging in the network culture. My work relied on my role as a witness and sharing individual interpretation with the issue of mental illness stigma. Interpretations reflected as a testimonial reflected from scholar, family, and media popcycle. All matters  in which my interaction with the issue and the expression of experience  shared with the network. Ultimately my goal was not for audience understanding but rather the development of the experience in order to evoke awareness with the hopes of further network engagement on the lines of this issue. In successful composition within the entity of the paradigm intent of meaning was presented as messages were experienced. The project standing as a MEmorial suggesting culture of participatory engagement and felt experience provoked through the composition.

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