I. Method


  1. EmerAgency: new consultancy, internet as new public/ civic sphere .
    1. Connected individual to collective
  2. Electronic Monumentality
    1. Commemoration: how a collective remembers who or what. Can the network be used as a public sphere for public policy purposes?(Individual  & Collective level)

      Monumentality: how is it  changing? Internet makes it possible for monumentality to become primary site of self-knowledge    (Individual & Collective)

Chapter 1 ” Metaphoric Tourists”

  1. How tourism can be applied to EmerAgency and Electronic Monuments.
    1. Boosterism
    2. Theoria (tourism & theorists)
    3. Physical Monuments (ex. Mount Rushmore) help form collective identities
  2.  Idea of Pop Cycle (pg 19)
    1. Community
    2. Family
    3. Media
    4. How do these construct my identity? – Build up of all, not just one
    5. How do these get displayed into pop culture?
  3. Panoramic Idea (pg 23)
    1. take the issue and look all the way around – gathering perspective from all angles and sides
    2. What is my role, standpoint?

Chapter 2 ” The Traffic Sphere (A MEmorial Prototype)”

  1. Traffic Sphere (pg 39)
    1. the crossing of chance and necessity (chora)
    2. sorting chaos into order
    3.  a work of chora concerning: mythos, logos and genos
  2. Problem Accident
    1. the negative effect of invention also important function
    2. material basis for electronic monumentality
      1. accident – but also teaches us something

Chapter 3 “The Call (Abject Monuments)”

  1. Abject: unacknowledged
    1. what is the reasoneon? Why do we have image reasoning and how does it influence our audience?
  2. MEtaphor: the sign has to be neon – in order to gain an audience and really showcase image

Chapter 4 “Transversal (Into Cyberspace)”

  1. “Punctum”
    1. the obtuse or indirect significance of an image or scene. It is the ability of a news item or image to provoke feeling
  2. Simulacrum
    1. a relation to its origins, and various ties and spaces it traverses through repetition
    2. assemblage of abstract machines

Chapter 5 “Formless Emblem”

  1. Formless Value (pg 132)
    1. “Form­less gives access to the aban­doned, neglected mod­ern sacred, and the MEmo­r­ial fol­lows up by artic­u­lat­ing the unac­knowl­edged val­ues to be found at this level of experience”

  2. Testimonial (pg 137)
    1. (mystery applied to public policy issue) dramatizes the blindness
    2. Names a feeling that the memorial exposes,  externalizes, articulates

Chapter 6 “The Agency of the Image (Upsilon Alarm)”

  1.  “I am thinking not about Bradley McGee but with him” (pg 147)
    1. Get a sense so of mood or feeling rather thank thinking about the situation
    2. Transitioning thinking into feeling
  2. Tangle of the Situation
    1. Let it be complex, reality
    2. Do not sort it out
    3. Linking of individual to collective “method is to locate personal experiences or attitudes that form a pattern with the public issue”
  3. Agency
    1. The Letter Shape of Y / Emblem
      1. “Y” produces meaning effects in the collective beyond intent, without understanding, without individual consciousness
      2. Every disaster for every person raises the question “why”
      3. Images as guiding emblems for pattern composing and links

Chapter 7 ” Justice Miranda (A Conceit)

  1. Social Machine
    1. to be intelligent ( network) must be able to generalize
    2. collective values are apart of thinking
  2. Advertising Emblems
    1. We design with “remembering” – sharing what we remember
    2. The subject experience electracy that has been called terminal identity

Chapter 8 “Soft Wish Y (A Collaboration)”

  1. “Our Hybrid… Cultural Archive, and the mystory practice as the chance procedure used to connect the personal situation with collective wisdom” (pg 214)
    1. approaching an idea or issue with a question
    2. differing interpretation – thought provoking
  2. Testimony
    1. Make a testimony out of witnessing, network witnessing
    2. We don’t have to worry about the audience understanding /interrupting it
      1. People will get (even if it is abstract)
      2. It gets clearly and distract as the truth
      3. Instead it is a consultation

“Tubing the Future: Participatory Pedagogy and YoutTubeU in 2020”

“tubing”  – term for video sharing, remixing elements of the network and uploading in various forms

  1. Participatory Pedagogy
    1. does not encompass a set of skills but a larger shift toward “apparatus”
    2. does not fully define our curricular needs in advance of interacting with learners
  2. From sets to memes
    1. opened- ended use of tubes
      1. views and viewers comments and elements of participation – participatory collaboration
  3. Rally to Remix
    1. “stage of two mix or social remix” – one remix inspires participants to remix similarly
  4. Re-sets
    1. “crowd accelerated innovation”  – voluntary, participatory practices are directly causing behaviors to evolve

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